Comparison of Christianity and Wicca

The following is the comparison listing of Christianity and Wicca that was prepared by Kerr Cuchulain, who is the Canadian Chapter Head for the Witches League for Public Awareness, in response to a request from a Christian minister who contacted the League.

Christianity                                             Wicca
Patriarchal/Paternalistic                           Duotheistic (Goddess/God)*
Dualistic: divinity seperate                       Monistic: Divinity inseperable
    from everyday world                               from everyday world
Resurrection                                            Reincarnation
Heaven: destination of Christian               Summerland: resting place between
    souls                                                       incarnations
Hell                                                        No equivalent
Satan                                                      No equivalent
Original Sin                                             No equivalent
Redemption/Atonement/Confession         Karma/Threefold Law( evil returns
                                                                   upon the perpetratoe three - fold)
Heirarchy/Authoritarian                           No heirarchy/ Autonomy
Bible( scripture)                                      No equivalent **
Sabbats based upon Biblical                   Seasonal and Lunar Sabbats
and Christian historical events
Prophets/Saints/Messiahs                        No equivalent
Generally daylight worship                      Some worship nocturnal(lunar esbats)
Churches/temples                                   Circles case where convenient usually
                                                                  no formal temple no size restrictions
                                                                  on small groups (covens) 3-13 people
                                                                  usual though congregations may be
10 Commandments                                Wiccan Rede Harm none
Psychic phenomena generally                  Psychic abilities encouraged
    discouraged except for                             (magick)

* Names vary from tradition to tradition.  Different aspects of the Goddess/God have different names creating the impression that Wicca may be pantheistic.
** Wiccans use a book called the "Book of Shadows".  This is a working notebook rather than a scriptural text.