Looking Deeper Into The Bible
by Matthew McGinnis
 The Leprechaun

        The  Bible  states  in Genesis that the entire heaven and earth was created in six days. Man was created on  that  sixth  day  and  on  the seventh  day God rested. Scientists however have proven that the age of the dinosaurs began, reigned and ended millions of years before man was ever  put  on  the  earth.   The  only  way  one  could  explain   this contradiction  is  to  say  that  a  biblical  day was an equivalent to millions or even billions of common days.  Now, if we  can  agree  with this,  we  are  questioning  "Just how mighty and powerful IS God if it takes him millions and millions of years to create the universe when in various places throughtout the Bible it talks of God destroying  cities or doing other such things with ease.  Did he really take him this long to do this?

        After  God  flooded  the earth by making it rain for forty days and forty nights, he told Noah (Chap.9 verse 8) that he was sorry for  what he  had  done  and  that  he  would  never flood the earth again.  As a symbol to all mankind of this promise he created the rainbow.   Science has  found  why  a  rainbow  exists.  It  has  to  do  with  two simple properties one being of water  and  the  other  of  light.  The  first, refraction  or  the Prism Effect, the ability of water to split or bend light.  The second, the fact that white light is made  up  of  all  the colors  of  the rainbow. These two properties are what makes a rainbow.  Science has also found that all living things require water in order to survive and that most all living things require sunlight. In order  for God  to have given the two previously mentioned properties to water and sunlight at the time of him making the promise to Noah would mean  that he  also would have had to change the genetic structure of every living thing on earth so that they could survive under the new  properties  of water and light for which they had survived on for so long.  If one can agree  that this is what really happened, then we are forced to rethink about the previous paragraph in which it sugests  that  it  might  have taken  God  millions  of  years  to create the universe. Wouldn't it be logical to say that it would take a fair amount of time for him  to  do the  alterations  to  everything on earth?  If so, wouldn't some things die before he could have gotten around to correcting them?  Seems  like a lot of trouble to go through just to create a rainbow.

      Before God cast Satan out of heaven, He was God's high angel.  The Bible describes heaven as containing no evil and of being  made up of  pure  good.  If  this  was  so how could Satan have been evil to try to overthrow God.  There was no evil in heaven fo¹ Satan to BE evil. Also, if he had been such a wise angel, don't you think he  would  have  been wise  enough  to know that he couldn't overthrow God, the most powerful force in existence?

        God told Noah (Genesis Chap. 6 verse  15)  to  build  an  ark  five hundred  cubits  by  fifty  cubits by thirty cubits.  A cubit being the length from the tip of the middle finger to the base of the  elbow,  an average  of  twenty  inches.   This  figures  out to be an ark with the dimensions eight hundred thirty three feet  by  eighty  three  feet  by fifty  feet  Giving  the ark three stories.  That is slightly wider and almost three times as long as a football field.  Yet  one  six  hundred year  old  man built the entire thing in the short amount of time given to him by God?  Ok, maybe he did.  To continue, Noah was  commanded  to
bring forth into the ark two of every animal on the earth.  Granted the ark  was  big  but for it to be big enough to hold two of every kind of  animal on earth is far from being  to  believe  considering  there  are hundreds  of  thousands  of different animals on earth.  Even if two of everything DID fit on the ark, Noah and the animals remained on the ark for barely under a year.  A closer figure would be three hundred  fifty five  days.   Now,  take  for example an elephant.  An elephant eats an average of five hundred pounds of food a day.  Not even considering how many types of elephants there are, thats one thousand pounds of food  a day  to  feed  just two of them.  This figures out to a food supply for two elephants alone to be three hundred fifty five thousand  pounds  of food.   If  this was to be figured out for each and every animal on the ark, one would need hundreds of times  more  room  for  food  than  for animals.   There  is  no possible way to fit all the animals plus their food on an ark of this size.  What about animals like  the  lion  which are  meat  eaters.  Noah would have had to have found a way to keep his
entire food supply fresh for  a  year.   If  he  kept  his  food  alive until needed  by  the lion, how much food would have been needed to feed  the lion's food? After the rains ceased (Genisis Chap.8 verse 6),  Noah sent  out  a raven and a dove every seven days to see if the waters had fallen.  The waters were of a depth of fifteen cubits  or  twenty  five feet  above  the highest point on earth at the end of the flood yet the dove returned with an olive leaf that had been plucked off of an olive tree  (Genisis  Chap.8 verse 11). It is impossible for an olive tree to  live under water for the amount of time it would have taken the  waters to rise and fall twenty five feet so how could the dove have found this leaf?

        The  Bible  states  that  God  will  go to 'The four corners of the earth' and gather together all of the  beleivers.   Up  until  Columbus discovered  that  the world was round, everyone believed it to be flat, thus the four corners of a flat earth. If God really created the earth, don't you think he would of known it was round and therefore would  not have spoken of it as being flat with corners?

        In  the  first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Each one told of the crucifixion of Jesus.  Matthew (Chap.27) says that Jesus was offered a drink of vinegar and gall  and  he  would not accept it.  Mark ”Chap.15) says that he was offered a drink of wine and myrrh and that he would not accept it.  Luke (Chap.23) says that he was  offered  a  drink  of vinegar and does not state whether or not he accepted it.  John (Chap.19) says that Jesus asked for a drink  and  he was given vinegar and hyssops.  Who is correct?  Is any of them?

       What  I  am  trying  to accomplish by writing this report is not to make people stop believing in Christianity  or  the  teachings  of  the Bible  unless  that  is  what they choose is best for them.  I strongly  believe  that  the  Bible  has  many  truths  and  teachings  that  are beneficial  to mankind. The point I am trying to make is that MAN wrote the Bible and GOD did NOT sign  his  name  to  it.   So  don't  believe everything one might read in the Bible because, just like folk stories, it  changes  each  time  the stories of it are told and are passed down from generation to generation until finally, somebody wrote the stories
down in hopes of them not to be changed anymore.  By this time they had allready ended up with a garbled up mess that looked nothing  like  the original.   Keep  in  mind  that  many  things  were  also  lost in  the translation of the Bible from Greek to english.  One last thing to keep in mind, Think about how many different religions  there  are  and  how  many  different  Bibles  these  religions  have.   These Bibles all are different and some  completly  contradict  others.   For  example,  the
Satanic and the Christian.  Can they ALL be correct?  If not, which one is? Maybe a part of all of them are correct.

                  A New Age Interpretation of Heaven and Hell

        Most  religions  teach  that  according  to  how one lives his life determines whether or not one goes to  heaven  or  hell.   This  simple  truth  can  be  accepted  by  both  Christians  and by those who do not believe in the Christian God or those who believe in reincarnation.  To a Christian, everyone has one life and only one  life  to  do  good  in order to go to a place where there is no anger, hate, jealousy or evil, called  Heaven.   If one live an evil life that person's soul goes to a place where it is tormented and burned for all eternity in order to pay  for its sins.  The Non-Christian belief might be much the  same  except   for a few things.  Hell is not eternal unless one chooses for it to be.  Everyone has what is called karma.  Webster defines karma as actions in one  lifetime  that  determines  the  fate  of  the next lifetime.  For example if in one life, a person was prejudice against a given race and tormented that race, in that person's next life he would incarnate as a person of that given race to live a life of torment from those who  are prejudice against him just as he once was.  Or in short, karma could be
defines as 'whatever goes around comes around'.  A soul's karma must be resolved  before that soul can be free from the wheel of reincarnation.  In order to accomplish this, that soul must  incarnate  over  and  over again  until  all its karma is resolved, thus this is where the saying, 'Life is hell' may have come from.  If a person chooses to  live  their lives  in  evil, that person does nothing but add to their karma and it therefore takes longer to resolve it, perhaps all eternity.  So,  maybe life  really  is  hell.  When  a  person's  karma is all resolved, that person's soul is released from the wheel and  thus  released  from  the physical  plane  so  that  that soul may now evolve more quickly on its path to merge with the All That Is or God.

        Perhaps this simple truth as stated above was taught  by  Jesus  or other  many other Messias but over the centuries, it was altered to the way the Christians now believe it to be.  One possible reason for  this alteration  might  have been The Church itself. The Church rationalized that they must not teach their disciples the truth, knowing  that  evil does  exist,  in order to keep this evil to a minimum.  If they were to  teach the truth and those who chose to follow evil learned this  truth,   they  might use it to their advantage.  They no longer would have to be afraid of dying and going to the firey hell but in turn all they  would have to do is reincarnte and continue their rein of evil.  These people would not worry about what would happen if one of their evil plans were to  fail  and  there  were executed for their deeds.  As a whole, chaos would break out so the alteration in the simple truth was necessary.  It is logical to conclude that if this was  done,  The  Church  may have  found reasons to alter other truths that were at one time taught.

    Can one really be sure?  Perhaps the most logical thing  to  do  is to  study  and be open to the many different religions and beliefs and then decide for oneself which path to follow.


        I don't want people to think that I am attacking  the  religion  of Christianity.  The reason I am talking about this religion is because I  was raised a Christian and therefore, I know a little about it.  I have  tried  to  make the facts in this report as accurate as possible but if  for some reason there is an incorrect statement here I would very  much like to know about it so it can be corrected. The interpretations given are of myself, the author, and are in no way ment to be interpreted by the readers as the beleifs of others but only as the  opinions  of  one person as I feel they need to be stated.  I  know I probably am going to get a lot of slack from those of you on the net for me writting this.  So let me say right here and now that I do not claim to be an athority on this subject and  I  may  not  have  stated  one  thing here that any of you may agree with.  I admit, I may have the facts wrong and if I do, I apologize.  I would still  like  to  hear your comments on this article though.

                               Thank you for your time and
                               Blessings to all,
                                      The Leprechaun
                                      Matthew McGinnis