
Reality is a psychotropic fluid, mercurial, chaotic, changing and yet ever the same.



SiTe iNFo
eNCyCLoPeDia DeMeNTia
MeDia ReVieWS


"The secrets of Adepts are not to be revealed to men. We only wish they were. When a man comes to me and asks for the Truth, I go away and practise teaching the Differential Calculus to a Bushman; and I answer the former only when I have succeeded with the latter. But to withhold the Alphabet of Mysticism from the learner is the device of a selfish charlatan. That which can be taught, shall be taught, and that which cannot be taught may at last be learnt."

-Aleister Crowley

News & Views

June 5, 2009  I haven't put any effort into this site in years, but it's still up and running... please check out my new site with a stronger focus on News and Politics, at Lux Americana.  Thanks! 

August 12, 2002  I've regained interest in building and maintaining this site and I'm currently giving the entire site a face-lift.  Hope you like the new look.  Some features may be temporarily down for a couple of hours at a time.  Please be patient, I'm trying to make the site a lot better. 

May 17, 2001  The Severe Dementia store is currently under construction.  The store will provide our users with quality unique items and used books at excellent prices, and help support the maintenance and growth of Severe Dementia.  Check it out soon!

April 26, 2001  I just had a birthday and I'm coming into a time of new beginnings.  Appropriately, I'm currently overhauling the website.  All of the old updates have been cleared, though none were of any real importance.   The look and navigation of the site are being experimented with and may change slightly in the near future.

Library and link submissions are greatly appreciated, as well as any feedback.

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