Here is a list of celtic deities, I'm sure most of you have these but if you do not, here is a short list.
Nuada: The gaelic Zeus;called "he of silver hand"; killed by the Fomor, Balor early in history of the gods.
Camulus: Of the invincible sword; the name signifies "heaven"; god of war and sky; akin to mars, only more savage.
The war Goddess: Fea, the hateful; Nemon, the
venomous; Badb. the fury; Macha, the battle goddess who collects the
heads of her victems for her "acorn crop."
Morrigan (Morrigu): The great goddess in her
Virago aspect; as chief deity of battle, she likes to take the form of
hoodie or carrion crow; her name derives from
Mor Righ Anu, meaning "the great queen."
Dagda: God of earth; "good god"; he posses
a living harp and the "undry," a cauldron, where everyone find sustenance
proportion to his/her merits; a formidable
fighter, but a god of simple tastes who dresses in a brown tunic, hooded
cape and leather boots.
Boann: The Dadga's wife; an Eve figure; The
Boyne River is named for her; she and the Dagda have many famous children
including Bridgit, Angus, Mider, Ogma, and
Bodb the Red.
Brigit: Goddess of the hearth, fire and poetry;
best loved of all deities; candlemas is held in her honor; she is the
only goddess to survive into the Christian
pantheon of saints.
Angus (Angus Mac Oc): His name means "son of
the young"; A Gaelic Eros known for his physical beauty and golden hair;
his kisses become birds.
Mider: God of the underworld; his abode is
Falga, the Isle of Man; Etain (Ogma's daughter) became his wife, but she
taken away by Angus.
Ogma (Cermait): The "honey-mouthed" king of
the bards and god of eloquence and literature; Ogham script is named for
him; he married Etain, daughter of Diancecht.
Bodb the Red:
He succeeds his father as king of the gods.
Ler: The gaelic
Poseidon; married to Aebh, Bodb's daughter, with whom he has four childrenl
after she
dies he marries
Aeife, who out of jealousy turns the children into swans.
Manannan: Ler's son; "God of the headlands";
patron of sailors and merchants; his famed possessions include the
yellow shaft, the red javelin, the boat, the
wave-sweeper, a horse called Splendid Mane, and three swords named
retaliator, great fury, and little fury; he
has the gift of in exhaustable life.
Goibniu: The forger of weapons; the Gaelic
Hephaestus; he posesses a potion that enables those who drink it to become
invisable; he also is called the "devine architect."
Diancecht: God of medicine; he once saved Ireland;
married to Morrigan; among their children are Etan, who marries
Ogma, and Cian, who marries Ethniu, daughter
of Balor, the Fomor.
Lugh: Son of Cian and Ethniu called the "long-handed"
or "far-shooter"; Sun god par excellence; he possesses a magic
spear and magic hound; The Milky Way is called
"Lugh's Chain"; he is the "master of all art," an accomplished
carpenter, smith, warrior, harpist, poet,
physician, cup-bearer, and bronze-worker.
The opponents
of Tuatha de Dannan are the children of Domnu, which signifies "under-sea."
Offsptring of
"Chaos and Old
Night" they are, for the most part grotesque creatures, often with physical
These gods of
death and darkness are listed below.
Balor: Although he was born with two good eyes,
one was ruined in an accident; the eye is so hideous that he only
opens it in battle so that its venom will
slay whoever is unlucky enough to catch glimpse of it; his daughter marries
Elathan: The beautiful Miltonic prince of darkness with golden hair.
Bress: His name means "beautiful"; Elthan's
son; married to Brigit of the Tuatha de Dannan and for a time her rules
that kingdom.
Idech: King of Dommu